7 Creative & Alternative Mother’s Day Ideas
Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and here at Sharky & George we love celebrating our most loved clients - Mums!
Flowers, chocolates, breakfast in bed, a nice meal or even a family outing with her favourite people - these classic Mother’s Day gifts are always a hit - how about doing something a little different this year?
We’ve put together some alternative ideas that are sure to tug at her heartstrings and make her feel loved and appreciated for all the unending things she does for her little loves.
1. Breakfast (for everyone else), brunch for mum
The rest of the family can have breakfast together and get dressed but let Mum sleep - aim for a delicious brunch for her instead. Make sure to keep things nice and quiet so your sleeping hero can get some rest!
2. Decision-free day
Give her a full day of not having to make any family-orientated decisions. This could include food buying, planning meals, planning outings or initiating bath time and bedtime. One full day of not having to do all those little things that make mum an exhausted superhero.
3. Home alone time
Let her have a few hours on her own at home. Take the kids to the park, soft play, cinema, anywhere fun but leave mum at home to have time to do her own thing. We promise she’ll appreciate it more than anything.
4. Outing tips
If you’re planning an outing, make sure a morning one includes somewhere close to a good coffee shop and a park or run-around area where the children can tire themselves out. Bring snacks, a change of clothes, spare nappies (if needed!), baby wipes and water bottles. If you’re planning a meal for the whole family, book it around the time the children normally eat and definitely avoid nap times if you've got little ones - this means you will avoid hungry or tired tantrums. Don’t forget to bring some table toys to keep them entertained - play doh is a great one to whip out while you’re waiting for food to arrive!
If you’re in London - Sharky & George have teamed up with some of London's top favourite restaurants, so the grown ups can have a really nice meal while the children are run ragged with a team of Sharky & Georgers. What's not to love about that? Bonus is, the children are well and truly worn out, so they should have an early night too! On Sunday 10th March (Mother's Day) you'll find us for brunch at Sette, Sunday roast at Whitcomes, afternoon tea at The Stage, Sunday lunch at Nobu and on Saturday 9th March for family lunch at Dovetale, 1 Hotel.
5. Let the children pick a present
Take the children to a shop to pick out something for Mum. Any shop will work - supermarket, gift shop, clothes shop, bakery or florist. The key is to let the children do the choosing, even if their choice ends up being very random. It’s the thought that counts, we guarantee that Mum will love whatever they choose. If you’re in a florist, you might end up with a pretty interesting bouquet!
6. Homemade Vouchers
Make some homemade vouchers for her to cash in over the next few months - these could be anything from little jobs the children can do around the house to a few hours off during the weekend. EG tidy up the toys, put clothes in the washing machine, put plates in the kitchen or dishwasher after meals, 2 hours to get your nails done, etc.
7. S&G Partner in Crime
Get her a P.I.C. from Sharky & George for the day. One of our team will come and hang out with the children for four hours and bring lots of games and fun to keep them totally occupied and entertained while Mum can kick back and relax!
Posted on: 1 March 2024
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